Unlike other Links Special Unit 2 has come across, Lycanthropes otherwise known as werewolves have a different story than fairy tales. The myth about biting is and eating humans is real, but the true nature of a Thrope is very different. Thropes are real human beings living in the here and now, that is until they are infected with the Lycanthrope virus. This is a virus, which can be treated and cured if caught early enough. This disease enhances all the sense, motor functions and gives one hell of a drive for anyone infected. They run so fast their paw prints land yards apart, they become super-humans. People who do not need to eat or sleep, that is until that time of the month when the full moon rises and they turn into vicious murdering links for a couple days. Thropes tend to hunt in packs and should any member of the pack be compromised, captured, or killed, another human is infected and made one with the pack. |