Unlike most myths and legends from the past, the myth about Ogres has been sketchy at best. With long periods of hiding, tracking and gaining proper knowledge about Ogres has been extremely difficult. Other organizations such as the Illuminati have some information on Ogres but it is nothing new to Special Unit 2's findings. Ogres have long been a closer Link to humanity than most species. However, that theory only holds up when an Ogre is searching for a release from the curse and be free to be a human being. Such was the case with Jack the Ripper. From day one, he fought against his primal instincts and to avoid becoming the Mr. Hyde that we all have inside. That is if, you Mr. Hyde doesn't physically manifest itself into a crazed cannibalistic monster that feeds off ladies of the night and takes long walks on the beach contemplating the meaning of life and death while looking for a much deeper meaning in their lives. Then again... While the direct link to humanity is as of yet unknown and the origins of the Ogre still a mystery, you can be sure of one thing. Not all Ogres are the same, one half may be psycho and socio-pathic but the other half despise their gift and seek the freedom of being totally human. Like Jack, there are many Ogres looking to escape their curse but finding them is difficult. Special Unit 2 is not just an extermination squad. We owe it to any species to help them rejoin the human race, even if it is just a few of them. They might also provide insight on how to help other Ogres and species to rejoin humanity. If anything comes from this dossier, it should be that not all Ogres, humans, or species are the same. Do not judge a species by the actions of one, as it does not speak for all of them. Unlike Gargoyles and other Links, Ogres are closer to humanity than anyone could possibly think. Method of killing: Standard ammo