The source for quotes from Black Scorpion! 
Armed and Dangerous "We are not a city of angels, but a city of muggers, carjackers, and murders... 'don't forget embezzelers and adulterers.' " -Mayor Worth started the quote and Babette ended it. "Besides, outfitting your alter ego wih vehicular weaponry gives me an excuse to get out of the apartment." -Argyle Wave Goodbye "Walker, I want to see you in a bikini right away!" - Cpt. Stricklen Blinded by the Light Red Dragon: Oh come on lady, give me a break. Black Scorpion replies: Where do you want it? the leg? the neck? or how about the face? "I thought you liked things over developed!" - Vision Home Sweet Homesless "So many men so little time." -Black Scorpion "The problem with fighting you chinese, is that an hour later I want to do it again." - Black Scorpion
Love Burns "It's a good thing I had a fireman in my bed!" -Darcy Walker "Alright! Enough! Everyone with a mask on is under arrest!" - Steve Rafferty
Out of Thin Air "I didn't slave over the microwave the last 3 minutes for nothing!" -Darcy Walker in Steve's hallucination
No Stone Unturned "I know what I'd do without you! I'd get some sleep!" -Argyle
Crime Time I'd love you just like my granny. I'd come and visit you every sunday! -Argyle Make no mistake, my plan will go off, like, clock work! -Clockwise No Sweat Don't just stand there girls! Make her sweat!!! - Aerobicide Baby, what did I tell ya, too much exercise will kill ya. -Argyle An Officer and A Prankster "I'm starting to feel wicked!" - Gangster Prankster "The last time the mayor had a good idea, we were dressed up like clowns." - Specs Life's a Gas I'm too young and good looking to die! -Babette Don't fire till you see the whites of her, of her, cloud! - Strickland Rose Are Red, You're Dead "Too much crime going on, I need a nap! - Specs "You can go back to where ever bimbos come from or you can go to jail for being his accomplice!" -Black Scorpion Fire and Brimstone "The only hard feeling you're gonna get is my fist against your face." -Black Scorpion "Why can't I ever meet a nice normal girl?" - Steve Rafferty Virtual Vice "The big idea is to fight real bad guys, not pretend ones." - Captain Strickland "If you're going to use your hard ware, I'm going to use mine." -Mindbender Bad Sport "You can't go around breaking peoples back, you could hurt someone." - Babette Darcy: Wait a minute, first one of the Saints is paralyzed, now one's dead, what are the odds of that? Specs: 20 to 1, pay up... "Come on girls shake your pom poms." -Slapshot Black Scorpion: So. You're not going to arrest me? Steve: What, you're not going to kiss me? Kiss of Death "All I want to do is love you .... to death!" -Angel of Death "The Devil you know is better than the Angel you don't." -Black Scorpion Angel: Not even heaven can help you now. Black Scorpion: Then maybe it's time to open the gates of hell. He Who Laughs Last Steve: He stole my joke! Darcy: Which is why no one is laughing! "You drive like a clown." -Black Scorpion "If we get more of these balloon people we could start our own parade." -Slugger Photo Finish "While Flashpoint has a bright future as a super-villain, his career as a photographer is over." - Don MacDonald quoting an unidentified person. "The only person I want you to take dirty pictures of is me." - Vision Space Case: May-day, May-day. I'm under alien attack. It looks like some kind of giant insect. Black Scorpion: Atleast you understand the gravity of the situation. Power Play "Hurt me some more." - Stunner "The only thing he's going to shoot is the breeze." - Stunner Face the Music "This is Don MacDonald reporting live ... atleast for now!" - Don MacDonald Darcy: What makes you think they'll run? Steve: They always run... Zodiac Attack (part one) Slugger: Aftershock is going to blow up a farm... Specs: ... or a glue factory... "Yes, I agree Mr. Mayor. My police force does stink worse than noraml." - Mayor Worth Zodiac Attack (Part Two) Stever:... We draw Inferno's fire. We distract him long enough that we take out the others. Slugger: What do you mean "we?" Specs: Yeah we are not into this plan. Slugger: And what exactly IS the "we plan?" "We can talk about my hair later. I've been bald too long. I want to grow it out like a jerry curl." -Argyle "So does Professor Prophet think Polyster will be back in style next season?" -Veronica |